Understanding math relationships is the gateway to discovery. Developing Number Sense leads us to know math facts like multiplication tables without the misplaced effort of rote memorization.

Fun is a priority. Let’s have fun together with hands-on exercises. We work on problems of interest to sustain engagement.

Visual reasoning is extremely powerful. We value drawing and engaging in other hands-on activities.

You can learn anything in math. Hard work is the key.

By exploring together, we learn to engage in delightful and supportive collaboration.

Mistakes are essential to learning. Our brains learn most when struggling and making mistakes.

Speed is not a priority. Even great mathematicians work slowly and deliberately.

– We reward effort, teamwork, and sharing mistakes.

What? No memorizing multiplication facts? What do you mean by relationships? The multiplication table is rich in patterns that reveal numerical, algebraic, and geometric relationships. And the 3D-printed table shown to the left brings them to life and makes them tangible. Students can hold arithmetic in their hands.